

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Indium is committed to protecting the privacy of internal and external stakeholders and ensures control on collection, use, disclosure, and disposal of their information. This policy applies to all the personal data captured by Indium which needs to be safeguarded.

Access Control Policy

Indium is committed to providing access based on need to know. These rights shall be continuously reviewed for suitability and appropriate action will be taken.

Teleworking Policy

Indium shall allow tele-working of employees by implementing appropriate controls and ensuring that the information security interests of Indium and its clients are taken care adequately. Indium ensures the smooth flow of business when employee is not physically present in the organisation. In such situation of home office setup, Indium’s proprietary properties and customer information accessible during teleworking are monitored through MDM and DLP solutions to alert the system for any data leakage. Remote access to the network must be secured by two factor authentications.

Secure Coding Principle

Secure coding practices must be incorporated into all life cycle stages of an application development process. Employees must understand the security requirements of the customer by following secure coding practices like :

Security Incident Management Policy

Employees are empowered and educated to report security weakness, threats, and events to the ISMS mail (i.e) Indium provides the guidance for timely reporting of security incidents such as computer viruses, unauthorized user activity, suspected compromise of data, physical break-in etc. to contain or limit the exposure to loss and mitigate the harmful effects of security incidents to Incident management team and IT team.

Clear Desk and Clear Screen Policy

Indium focuses on reducing the risk of unauthorised access of sensitive information by safeguarding it in both physical and digital format.

Anti-virus Policy

Indium focuses on protection of information assets against loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability caused by malicious program/software. (e.g., viruses, worms, Trojan horses, e-mail bombs, etc.). It applies to all computers that are connected to Indium cloud infrastructure via a standard network connection, wireless connection, modem connection or VPN connection. Employees must ensure AV is installed and enabled with updated patches in their assets. No employees, contractor or vendor should attempt to destroy or remove a virus, or any evidence of that virus from the affected system without direction from Indium’s IT department.

Data Destruction Policy

Indium ensures the proper disposal and destruction of media storing confidential information. Customer data, internal data, personal data etc which are no longer necessary shall be entitled to data destruction process.

Backup and Restoration Policy

Indium's Backup Policy prioritizes the management of data retention, recoverability, and the protection of information assets against loss or disaster. The backup frequency will be tailored to meet the organization's obligations to customers and regulatory authorities. The objective of this policy is to establish uniform guidelines for backup management to guarantee the availability of backups when required. All data stored on Indium servers, email servers, network servers, web servers, firewalls, and remote access servers will undergo backup procedures.

Information Security Awareness Policy

Indium ensures the awareness on Information security through different training modes which include, but are not limited to, classroom trainings, online training, posters, computer wallpapers, newsletters, quizzes, contests, focused meetings and events consistent with the Information Security Standard.